Q : Where can I live?
We have no school dormitories, but we can assist you in renting an apartment and act as your guarantor. A 1K type apartment (Kitchen + bed room) cost starts at 25,000yen. If you share a room with another student, this will lower the cost. Usually each apartment is equipped with a shower, toilet and kitchen, but electric appliances are not included, so you will need to buy them yourself. |
Q : I have never been to Japan, so I’m worried about living alone.
We will support you by meeting you at the airport, assisting you in finding an apartment, and accompanying you for an interview to a part-time job. Our staff is also available any time to help you with problems or situations you may encounter, or even just to chat if you’re lonely. |
Q : Approximately how much do living expenses cost per month?
Apartment (electricity, gas, water) living expenses (food and other necessities) cost approximately 20,000~30,000yen per month. Kumamoto has lower commodity prices than other prefectures. However just in case, you should plan to come to Japan with extra money. |
Q : Can we work part-time?
If you obtain a work permit from the immigration office, you can work part-time up to 28 hours per week. You are also not permitted to work at a bar, snack, pachinko parlor, etc. At first when your Japanese proficiency is low, we recommend a job that doesn’t require much customer interaction. After your Japanese improves, you can work at a convenience store, supermarket, etc.
Q : Are there any scholarships?
If you maintain excellent grades with good attendance and behavior, you can apply for scholarships from the Japanese government or other sources.
●Scholarship for international students studying at their own expense
(while in school)
●Asian Scholarship Association scholarships
Q : What shall I do in case of illness?
If you join the national health insurance, the Japanese government covers 70% of the total medical cost. When you need help with hospitals, please consult our staff.
Q : What should I do for meals?
There are no restaurants in KFLA, so you will need to bring your own lunch or buy one from one of the several convenience stores or fast food restaurants near the school. As to dinner, many foreign students cook their meals themselves. Some cook with friends, enjoying the company and low cost. If you cook yourself, you will probably spend 20,000~30,000yen per month. If you choose to eat out, expect each meal to cost at least 500yen.
Q : Can I leave Japan temporarily during my stay?
Yes, you can. You can leave Japan temporarily for your country when necessary. You have only to show ‘resident card’ when you leave Japan and don’t need to go through any special procedure for reentry to Japan if you reenter Japan within one year.